Tuesday, 31 March 2015 00:00

Sports Law

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I accept legal representation of athletes, and I undertake the formation of sports clubs and associations. I attended at an LL.M. course at the Pázmány University Faculty of Law in Budapest, and became a specified sports lawyer. I graduated excellent at the LL.M. course.
Tuesday, 31 March 2015 00:00

Family Law

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I manage affairs of divorce, children affiliation and children placement cases.
In extra-judicial procedures, I conclude contracts concerning marriage settlement.

Parental rights of custody for EU citizens


Tuesday, 31 March 2015 00:00

Corporate Law

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I undertake entering into corporate contracts and preparation of articles of association.
On a lump sum basis, I take on permanent legal representation for companies and organizations. 
I deal with corporations’ establishment, transformation and liquidation.
As a legal representative I perform the duties of bankruptcy and liquidation proceedings.
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I've become a member of the presidency at the Budapest Bar Association, and a member of the Education and Accreditation Committee at the Hungarian Bar Association


I succesfully completed a certification of LLM in tax law


I was given the Hungarian Bar Association's Pro Bono Lawyer of the Year award


I succesfully completed a certification of LLM in sport law

"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.” - according to a quote from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. As a member of the Budapest Bar Association, I maintain this website in accordance with the laws and internal regulations relating to attorneys. These, along with the reference of the Client’s rights, can be found on the website of the Hungarian Bar Association.

Contact datas

dr. Tamás Gerő LL.M.

attorney, sports and tax lawyer

113. Szépvölgyi street, Budapest, Hungary, 1037

Phone/fax: +36-1-3882389

Mobile: +36 30 4156009

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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